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Valuing Values
Hi, my name is Neil and I am a fairly new addition to the INVOLVE team. When I arrived last April, I found myself somewhat unsettled by the sea of casually dressed people who surrounded me – they were open, outspoken and opinionated. A far cry from my previous colleagues with whom I had spent […]

Fujitsu – Winning the Right Way, Future Leaders Survey
Fujitsu, the global technology provider, has an ongoing commitment to responsible business practice. Their efforts were recognised in 2015, when they were named Responsible Business of the Year at Business in the Community’s (BITC) Responsible Business Awards. Involvement Solution Building on this success, Fujitsu asked INVOLVE to help design and develop an online survey that […]

How To Marry Brand Values With Employee Engagement
Is your company overly focussed on profit-making rather than brand values and customer satisfaction? Big bosses may be surprised to learn that if they spent time working on increasing the contentment levels of their own internal employees, then this would translate into better customer service and their profits would soar. Companies like Apple, Google and […]

Why Millennials Can Be Your Most Dedicated Brand Ambassadors
In 1997, Dyan Machan predicted that: “Whatever the post-Generation-X kids end up being called, it looks like they are going to be a lot different from the generation that precedes them.” Enter Generation Y – the Millennials. There is something quite different about them. They are the future. They think in new and exiting ways. […]

A Quick Definition of Brand Engagement
How do we define brand engagement? In this quick-fire article, we’ll try and digest the main goal of our involvement programmes in a quick and easy to understand way. When we define anything, we start with an arbitrary literal definition, which usually gives us a nice starting point. To ‘engage’, as defined by the Collins […]