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The ‘How Not To’ Guide to Working From Home
Inspired by the adult Ladybird books, INVOLVE has crafted it’s very own Mockingbird ‘How Not To’ Series. This particular e-book shines a light on the kind of things not to do when Working From Home…..Enjoy!

The Magical Instant Engagement Wand
Look out for our latest Brand Marketing drive, which could be landing on a desk near you very soon. Safely locked inside this cryptic book-safe is the lesser spotted, highly sought after magical instant engagement wand! With one swift swoosh of the wand, accompanied by the words “Expecto Engageum”, your colleagues will be championing you […]

Using Wearable Technology To Improve Your Event
What INVOLVE was recently asked by one of the worlds largest healthcare companies to design a 1-day event for all of their UK HQ based employees (circa 200 employees). Why The brief was to create a live experience that galvanised every employee around a shared purpose, and created excitement about the next chapter of the […]

New Digs!
Perhaps not our most exciting news this year, but we’ve moved our office to Fulham. Where you ask? Well, we’re now based just over the river from Putney in the Fulham Green business park, sharing office space with the likes Sweaty Betty. So why the move you’re wondering? Good question. The area provides quicker, direct access […]

C&IT Case Study: Our Virgin Trains Project
Hot on the heals of last months guru guest block by Jack (Roper) from VTEC, was a featured article by C&IT commenting on the event that we ran for the Virgin business. All the details are here in the article but perhaps this client testimonial sums it up best: “Wow! I thought yesterday was amazing. […]