“The value of these programmes is incalculable; the execution wonderful.” CEO
Culture Change - Ladbrokes - Vision & Values Activation Events


Improvement in employee engagement scores


Increase in customer satisfaction scores (NPS)


Values rap song written and performed by a Ladbrokes' employee

Ladbrokes’ cultural transformation and move to regaining the number one spot in the betting market hinged on the creation and activation of a new, core set of values, Buzz, Bold, Team and Winners.

The Challenge

Ladbrokes recognised the key role that its colleagues would play in being its market and brand differentiator. In order to utilise this potential to make it a better place to bet, Ladbrokes needed to give its colleagues the freedom to think creatively and come up with stand-out shop experiences using its newly identified set of core values.

The Solution

INVOLVE created a multi-channel engagement programme to help embed these values and reinforce a culture of involvement and co-creation.The programme started by driving awareness among all 16,000 employees, focusing on involving shop managers in actively shaping the new behaviours that would improve shop performance. Activities and support included:

  • The 'Breakthrough Zone' - a concentrated, four-week experimental phase to amplify the values in a small number of shops.

  • Activation Events - 3,000 shop managers put through their paces in intellectual, emotional and action-oriented challenges.

  • A Values Toolkit - To assist with the cascade, but also involve all colleagues in helping to drive growth across the shop network.

The Results

The programme was a huge success, exceeding all anticipated results. It was recognised by industry experts and claimed multiple awards for “Business Impact”.

Interested in this project? Contact Jerry today on:
+44 (0) 20 7720 0105

Give Jerry a call to find out more about our work with Ladbrokes, or to discuss how INVOLVE can help your business.

